Collection: Ur­­su­la Schultze-Bluhm

Ur­­su­la Schultze-Bluhm, who is known sim­p­­ly as Ur­­su­la, was one of the most im­­por­­tant Ger­­man artists of the se­­cond half of the twen­ti­eth cen­­tu­ry. She was born in Mit­ten­walde, Ger­­many, in 1921 and died in Cologne in 1999. Ur­­su­la’s life and work of­fer an un­­con­ven­­tio­n­al nar­ra­­tive of ar­tis­tic in­­de­pen­­dence. Her work was shown at Mu­se­um Lud­wig’s ex­hi­bi­­tion Ur­­su­la—That’s Me. So What?, which is the first com­pre­hen­­sive mu­se­um show on the artist in over thir­­ty years, of­fered a fresh look at her oeu­vre.